
Announcement for all NROI Ontario Officials

Announcement for all NROI Ontario Officials

April 22, 2020

To All Ontario Officials,

I am reaching out to you today to check in with our community across the province and to give you an update on the status of NROI Ontario maintenance requirements.

Due to the rapidly changing nature of COVID-19 and the ensuing provincial measures to limit its spread, the future of the 2020 IPSC Ontario shooting season remains uncertain.  While the restrictions may be eased enough to allow the organization of future matches to take place in theory, the safety and well-being of our officials remains the priority of NROI Ontario.  

In recognition of the inability to maintain social distancing minimum recommendations in the execution of our roles on the range and the very valid concerns some officials may have regarding working any level of match this summer, NROI Ontario is suspending the minimum point requirement for 2020.  All current officials will have their status updated automatically to active for next year, and the deadline for provisionals to achieve their mentored points will likewise be extended.  

On a more personal note, I hope this letter finds you all safe, healthy and connected to a support system.  IPSC is a highly socially-based organization, and while the loss of matches may be secondary to far greater personal challenges for many of our members, the loss of connecting with our community cannot be underestimated.  Don’t forget to check on your friends, and I urge any of you who feel isolated or alone right now to reach out and talk with someone. IPSC Ontario is a strong and supportive community full of people who like to look out for each other (and also fight like cats and dogs, but we’ll chalk that up to being family). The current situation is definitely difficult, but it is not permanent.  

As always, please feel free to contact me directly, whether about NROI Ontario, rules questions, burial options, all things horses, or just to say hi.  

Take care of yourself and others, and I will look forward to seeing you on the range…eventually. 

Jennifer Eichenberg

NROI Ontario Coordinator